CPOX 820



This CPOX 820 schnabel car is unique in some respects. All of the components are relatively small. However, when assembled, the car appears massive relative to other HO railroad models.The CPOX 820 schnabel car is entirely made of resin castings. The only exceptions are hardware components. Lead shot for weight is molded into the castings to provide stability.


For the first time we are designing in a method for shifting the car laterally for the purpose of negotiating curves. People always ask what the minimum radius is for a car of this type. I always answer 36" because I have no idea of the nature of a users pike. However, with experimentation you may to use the shifting mechanism to keep the load centered correctly and negotiate sharper radii. All of our prototype engineering drawings have notes stating that the load's center of gravity laterally must be absolutely in the center of the car. Makes sense in the modeling scene too.


Capacity without bridge 865,000 lbs.
Capacity with bridge 710,000 lbs.
Number of axles (33" wheels) 20
Empty Car Length 129' 6"
Maximum Loaded Length with Bridge 167' 6"
Weight 430,000 lbs.
Weight of loading bridge 102,000 lbs.
Length of Loading Bridge 38' 0"
Maximum Vertical Load Shifting ability 19.5" to either side
Maximum Horizontal Load Shifting ability 13" (+10, -3)
Width 9' 9"
Height 14' 5"

$120.00USD plus shipping

Sold less trucks and couplers.


The prototype car was designed to carry transformers for both GE and Westinghouse. They didn't put any advertising on the pictured load so it could be either of those manufacturers.

$29.95USD plus shipping

Trucks - commercial trucks are available from your local hobby shop.

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Material Copyright © 2022 Concept Models